
Announcing Opening of Lionsgame (formerly Lionsfilm Fukuoka) and Lionsfilm Okinawa Office


Lionsfilm Limited – CEO Takeshi Mori, HQ in Sumida, Tokyo – looking to expand its operations, is pleased to announce the opening of Lionsfilm Okinawa and Lionsgame Fukuoka.


While Lionsfilm is currently handling running multiple online games over different platforms and territories, in order to provide our players with an even higher level quality of service we are restructuring our organization to account for even more specialized knowhow and support while also helping to provide BCP in the event of disaster or service disruption. The way we are going about this is to formally transform our Fukuoka office into a subsidiary company of its own, Lionsgame, formerly Lionsfilm Fukuoka, as well as open a new Lionsfilm Okinawa office.


Lionsgame in Fukuoka will handling much of our online game ventures, using their specialized expertise to manage day-to-day operations of running online games as well as development for future titles.

By strengthening our corporate structure to help facilitate game development, this will help us here at Lionsfilm and Lionsgame provide an even higher level of quality gaming experiences to our players.


And at our new Lionsfilm Okinawa office, our team will be focusing on testing customer support technology and debugging services, helping to provide players with more dependable, reliable gaming experiences.   

Lionsgame Corporate Overview

Company Name: Lionsgame Limited

Established: April 26, 2019

Address: 1-11-15 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka

Capital: 10,000,000 JPY

CEO: Takeshi Mori

Executive: Tetsuya Furuta

Operations: Game Administration and Development


Okinawa Branch Office Overview

Company Name: Lionsfilm Limited, Okinawa Office

Address: 2-14-28 Maejima, Naha-shi, Okinawa

Operations: Customer Support, Testing, Debugging